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  DataTipo di documento Titolo Emittente/organismo
23 Jun 2023 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review for a group of Manufacturing issuers Alstom
Ammega Group B....
Arvos BidCo S.a...
Arvos Midco S.a...
Delachaux Group...
ILPEA Parent, I...
INNIO Group Hol...
Minimax GmbH
Minimax Viking ...
MX Holdings US,...
19 Jun 2023 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review for a group of Building Materials issuers Aliaxis Finance...
Aliaxis Holding...
Brookfield Slat...
Compact Bidco B...
Compagnie de Sa...
CRH America Fin...
CRH America, In...
CRH Canada Fina...
CRH Finance (U....
CRH Finance Des...
28 Jul 2022 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review for a group of Manufacturing issuers Alloy Parent Li...
Arvos BidCo S.a...
Arvos Midco S.a...
Cerdia Finanz G...
Cerdia Holding ...
Ceva Sante Anim...
Cullinan Holdco...
Doncasters US F...
Doncasters US L...
Ferroglobe Fina...
22 Jul 2022 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review for a group of Building Materials issuers Aliaxis Finance...
Aliaxis Holding...
Brookfield Slat...
Compact Bidco B...
Compagnie de Sa...
CRH America Fin...
CRH America, In...
CRH Canada Fina...
CRH Finance (U....
CRH Finance Des...
12 Dec 2018 Announcement Moody's: CIS companies' 2019 outlook is stable on continuing GDP growth and supportive oil prices
 The document has been translated in other languages

Acron PJSC
Autobann (JSC S...
Bashneft PJSOC
Borets Internat...
Chelyabinsk Pip...
Cherkizovo Grou...
Delance Limited...
DME Limited (Mo...
12 Dec 2017 Announcement Moody's: Stabilised oil prices, GDP growth underpin CIS companies' stable outlook for 2018; geopolitical risks remain
 The document has been translated in other languages

Acron PJSC
Autobann (JSC S...
Bashneft PJSOC
Borets Internat...
Chelyabinsk Pip...
Cherkizovo Grou...
Delance Limited...
01 Dec 2016 Announcement Moody's: Economic stabilisation, return to GDP growth support CIS companies' stable outlook for 2017
 The document has been translated in other languages

Acron PJSC
Autobann (JSC S...
Bashneft PJSOC
Borets Internat...
Brunswick Rail ...
Cherkizovo Grou...
Delance Limited...
10 Dec 2015 Announcement Moody's: 2016 outlook for CIS non-financial companies remains negative on Russian GDP weakness
 The document has been translated in other languages

Acron PJSC
Autobann (JSC S...
Bashneft PJSOC
Borets Internat...
Brunswick Rail ...
Cherkizovo Grou...
Delance Limited...
DTEK Energy B.V...
02 Dec 2015 Announcement Moody's: Stronger demand in US, UK and Egypt supports EMEA building materials stable 2016 outlook Compagnie de Sa...
CRH plc
Heidelberg Mate...
Holcim Ltd.
Imerys S.A.
Italcementi S.p...
Wienerberger AG
Xella Internati...
15 Oct 2015 Announcement Moody's: Most Russian companies have sufficient liquidity to repay debt through end 2016 Acron PJSC
Autobann (JSC S...
Bashneft PJSOC
Borets Internat...
Brunswick Rail ...
Cherkizovo Grou...
Delance Limited...
Enel Russia, PJ...
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